From: Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 22:33:47 EDT Subject: Onward and upward Stuff like this doesn't happen. Not in the real world. Snow doesn't melt to the bedrock in half a minute. Scantliy clad women you can SEE THROUGH don't show up and hover above the ground. Not that he was really complaining about that second one. It was all just a little strange. The two kinda stared at each other for a while until Roland finally spoke up. "If you're going to materialize, scare me half to death, and screw around with the laws of physics, it would be nice if you had something to say." The woman remained passive but her body seemed to swirl around itself. "I simply needed a sample of your language to be able to communicate with you." Roland blinked. "You just learned how to speak my language based on two dozen words?" She nodded. Actually, she didn't nod, she didn't do anything, but Roland knew that she'd just nodded. And now that he was thinking about it, she didn't really talk, either, but he knew what she was saying. Interesting. "So what are you doing here?" She smiled (no, she didn't REALLY smile, but you get the point by now). "Actually, the question is what are YOU doing here?" Roland blinked. "Lemme guess.... you're some all powerful spirit who's brought me to this world to save the good people of blah blah from the evil blah blah who's using the Amulet of Blah to control the world." "Interesting thought. But no. I'm simply here to give you your khef skills back." For once, Roland didn't have anything cleverly obnoxious to say. <>