Date: Fri, 26 Jun 1998 18:59:05 +0800 From: Ian Chongson Save Address Block Sender The two monks looked on as Shinji and Teri rode off on their pathetic mule-drawn cart, their dark robes blending in to the darkness of the alley way where they stood. Their eyes were narrow and resentfull as they watched the two slowly dissappear into a tiny dot, then vanish altogether as they went over the horizon. "I still don't understand why we don't take him now!" Maximillian burst out, his teeth clenched tightly as he remembered the rather rude responce they got in return for their equally rude entrance. "We will look like folls if we return empty handed!" The older monk had his face hidden by a dark hood that enshrouded his face in darkness. At first glance, he looked more like an evil wizard than a pious monk. Perhaps both could be said about this man and his companion. The old monk frowned angrily. As much as he didn't like to admit it, Maximillian was right. The elders would rub this in their faces the second they got back, and the humiliation would carry on till God knows when. Probably till he lived out the last of his days. Which if indeed he came back empty handed, wouldn't be very long. His mind drifted back to that cold, cold day they found him gone. The morning chime went off, just as it had gone off for the past six hundred years. As always, every student gathered in the open square. Everyone, that is, except that accursed Shinji Kintaro. He remembered how furious the elders had been, and the severe punishment they wrought upon every student because of it. The exercises had been very difficult for the most advanced students, and nigh impossible for everyone else. Not a few students had collapsed that terrible morning. The morning, however, would pale in comparison to the next horror that befell the once tranquill Monastary. The Elders had gathered in their great chamber to discuss what was to be done to the young defector. Their debate went on for what seemed like forever, old, ancient dragons arguing over what to do with a nasty hatchling. Their old, rattling voices echoed through the chamber. This carried on till far into the day. Outside, the sun was beginning to set. Just as the sun fell below the horizon, a great howling wind flooded the empty halls, blowing the candles out and dissrupting the now not so noisy meeting of elders. Despite their enclosure, the wind whipped past the large, heavy doors. The Wind spun about into a large, slashing sphere of anger in the center of the room, flinging the terrified elders across the room and into it's high, immense walls. Some of the elders were shouting for help, while others still were chanting prayers or demon wards. Suddenly, a booming, ominous voice filled the room and turned their shouts into whimpers. The sphere of wind flew apart, replaced by the low, sad moans of captive souls as they rose out of the floor and gave shape to a demonic visage of hellfire that danced in the air. Triangular, blood red eyes flashed their fury. Huge, scythe like hors adorned his brow like some blasphemous crown. It's mouth opened to speak, revealing rows and rows of hellfire teeth, jagged and fearsome, and a long serpentine tongue that danced like fire in it's maw. Horrible as it was, the message it partook was even worse. "WHERE IS THE ONE SHINJI KINTARO!!" it roared. It's breath smelt like rotting corpses. When none of the horror-struck monks answered, the visage rumbled on like an angry volcano. "THE TIME OF THE GREAT CONFLICT DRAWS NIGH! THE DEVIL-BORN MUST FACE THE WARRIOR OF LIGHT! FIND THE DEVIL-BORN AND BRING HIM HERE! BRING ME SHINJI KINTARO! IF YOU FAIL, I SHALL RETURN WITH THE DENIZENS OF THE NETHERWORLD, AND SEND THIS PATHETIC MONASTARY TO THE VERY DEPTHS OF HELL ITSELF!" it finally stopped, but it followed with a horrifying, mocking laughter that filled the room and the monastary with it's demonic ringing, as if challenging anyone to defy it. Just as quickly as it had come, the demon vanished, leaving only a few final licking flames as a reminder of it's evil pressence. That night was horrid. He should know. He was there. He shouldn't have been, but he was there, hiding behind a false wall. Why did he do it? To tell you the truth, he should have been in the Council of Elders. He should have been their leader! But fate had intervened. Fate, posing as a young man named Shinji Kintaro! His arrival changed the whole course of the coronation. His arrival had been brought about by the current elder, Magriaz, and it turned the whole monastary to him. He had become the man who had accepted an outcast, and this show of kindness and compasion had made him their leader. Such was the cruel hand fate had dealt him. Now, assigned to this task, all he could do was get Shinji back, because if he didn't, the fate of the Monastary he so desperately wanted to lead would be destroyed, and him along with it. He turned into the alley and slunk away, totally ignoring Maximillians question. He was inconsequencial, and if they failed, he would prove to be a very valuable scapegoat. For the wrath of the Enforcers was never known to be kind. Not even to would-be Leaders...