From: Save Address Block Sender Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 20:43:51 EDT Subject: dreamscapes and gossip The air was black and streaked with an occasional electric blue tongue of lightning. The clouds-- and there were many-- large and menacing over head. They were lined, some of the larger ones, with a crisp golden tint that smouldered, almost furiously against the sky. They were all staring, necks craned, at the blackened turret, the dark moss hugging the stone as it stretched ever upwards. Their feet crunched the gravel with hasty steps, but the rumbling of the sky drowned their travel and most of their voices as they made way to the tower. Teri drew her jacket close around her neck, her head lowered against the rain that pelted down. Her dark hair was plaited with crystal-- and two small glass globes followed at her heels, barely seen in the darkness. When she stopped, they stopped, sometimes floated to hover by her shoulders. She stopped now, turned her face away from the rain to look behind her, to where Stana was helping a small girl from the rubble where she had slipped. A thin man behind Stana looked over his shoulder, keeping rear guard. He met Teri's eyes over the bent shoulders of the other two before checking once more over his shoulder. Up ahead a boy called urgently for them to hurry-- his voice peaked, panicked... Teri looked up, startled, the energy gathering in the air, crackling... She saw the colors gathering, time slowed to sporadic clicks-- her eyes widened, she screamed and turned, springing forward just as the lightning sliced down through the sky-- snapped to the earth-- the tears were flowing, she choked on her scream as the earth erupted behind Stana and the child-- she saw the man's eyes go wide in surprise before his image vanished in the searing white light.. She was running towards the light, towards the explosion, could feel the stinging as debris flew past her face and arms, the rain clung to her cheeks-- she slammed into Stana-- stana's mouth was open, moving, she was wrapped around teri's shoulders, keeping teri from moving forward-- the tears fell down teri's face, she screamed again as her knees buckled and she fell to the muddy gravel--- There was another flash behind her eyes, and the world exploded into darkness *** Roland dropped his quarterstaff with a clatter and sunk to his knees, his rough hands covering his face as he continued to weep. Shinji was balled in the corner of the room sobbing, his usually clam eyes wide with terror. Teri was sprawled on the bed, tangled in the sheets, unconscious. Once-fresh tears were already drying on her cheeks, her hand bleeding from where the Jiy-shard had cut into her palm by the clenching of her hands. Roland and Shinji had bolted awake to her scream, and the moment awake, had been hit with a wave of grief that had sent them to their knees, eyes streaming within seconds. For nearly three minutes they had been immobolized, caught in the wave that came from their roomate, who was thrashing, screaming, and sobbing on the bed, trapped in a dream. Roland shook now from the aftershock-- the sadness had ceased when he'd knocked Teri unconscious, but it still felt like his soul had been wrenched from him-- the tears were slowing as he calmed himself. Wiping his face, he turned to Shinji, who, still huddled, was staring at him, wideyed. *At least the kid's stopped crying,* Roland thought, resignedly as he helped Shinji up. Before he could ask, Roland responded: "I dont' know--it's happened once before." "Magic?" Shinji rubbed at his face, still shaken. Roland shrugged. "She says she doens't have any magic-- doesn't seem to believe it exists." Shinji looked disbelieving-- of COURSE magic existed-- Roland continued, "she'll be exhausted when she wakes up-- we'd better get some food or something. I doubt she's eaten all day." Shinji frowned and gently removed the red shard from her hand. Turning it in his fingers he said, "I think we should probably go to the Aoli temple tomorrow." Roland looked skeptical-- "Religious zealots? No way, they're--" "Think about it-- the two Jiy we found-- both attacking us, and then this dream? She was holding the shard the whole time." Roland just shrugged. "Fine. I'm gonna go get some food." *** Shinji sat facing Teri. She was still asleep, and other than the occasional troubled moan, she didn't do anything. Glimpses of what he had saw-- no, saw was the wrong word. Of things he had felt, were coming back to him, and he had to fight back the sudden rush of sorrow that threatened to engulf him. He turned around when he heard the door latch click. Roland walked in, carrying a covered tray. Carefully, the gunslinger placed it on the table. "Anything?" he asked, walking up to Shinji. "No, not a thing," he replied. Roland pulled out a chair and sunk down into it. "So where is this temple anyway?" he asked, his cold blue eyes wear from lack of sleep. "To the west. I'll have to go down and see if I can get us a map of some sort." Shinji stood up and went to the window. "And besides, I need to clear my head." Before Roland could protest, Shinji flung open the shutters and leapt out. Roland shook his head, then turned to keep watch on Teri. "Damn kid. So impulsive." *** The cool night air blowed a soft breeze, making the leaves rustle almost musically in the semi-darkness. Shinji couldn't help but smile as he fell to the ground not very far below. Already the depression that was overwhelming him was slinking away. With a soft thud, he landed on the dirt road in front of the inn. Padding his shirt and pants clean, he looked around the town, such as it was. Across from the inn, there was a large, run down saloon. The hinges of the door was broken, replaced by a large canvass curtain. Walking up to it, he pulled it aside, revealing the glow of the fireplace and the sound of die hard drinkers at their tables. As he walked in, the sound seemed to hush as everyone looked at him. The bartender, a large, burly man looked up from his glasses. "We don't serve kids around here," he said, his voice gruff and scratchy. Shinji shrugged. "I didn't think you'd mind, condsidering how crowded it is in here," he answered, motioning to the five lone customers in the bare bar. The bartender grumbled in defeat, but didn't complain when Shinji sat at one of the stools. "I need a little information." "Oh? And what would that be?" the bartender answered, cocking an eyebrow. "Oh nothing much. Me and my friends, we were heading out to the Aoli temple tomorrow, and were wondering if we could get a map." The bartender pondered for a moment, rubbing his bristly chin with his palm. "A map you say? I might know were to get one, but it'll cost ya," he said finally. Shinji smiled and reached into his vest. Pulling out five coins, he tosed them onto the counter. The bartender quickly scooped them up and put them in his pocket. Reaching under the bar, he took out a piece of paper and a pen. He quickly made a simple sketch, then handed it to Shinji. "If you follow the road, you'll come to it soon enough. It's about a four hour hike, so I hope your little legs don't give out," he scoffed. Shinji frowned, but ignored the remark. "There was one more thing. On our way here, we were attacked by some sort of monster where the road goes through the forest." Just then everything stopped in the bar. The five men at their table, who had up till now been ignoring Shinji, suddenly grew grim and focused their attention on him. Even the bartender was speechless. Shinji gave the room a puzzled look. "Was it something I said?" "You met the monster? And ye're here now? Ay, then ye must be stronger than ye look lad!" one of the men said. The one next to him nodded and added. "Ay, and a mighty monster it be as well. I have heard of very few that have gotten past her." "Her? So it's a girl?" Shinji asked curiously. He hadn't expected to face an opponent so strong, and definitely he wasn't expecting it to be a girl! "If you can give despair a gender, then yes, it is a girl," the bartender answered, nodding sagely. "She's one of the reasons forr the state of this place. With her there, we haven't seen a trade caravan in ages. You are lucky to be alive!" Luck had nothing to do with it, Shinji thought, a satisfied smile spreading across his face. "What ever the case may be, thanks for the information, and good night," he said, then stood up and left the saloon. He crossed the empty street and opened the door to the inn. "Maybe Teri is awake now."