Subject: Shinji's story Date: Tue, 19 May 1998 14:12:06 -0400 From: "sampsel" To: CC: Hey Teri. Sorry I have taken so long in writing. Been on vacation. Still am, actually. I won't be back till June 5th. I'm using my Aunt's computer now. Hope you are doing well. Without further ado, here is my next post. I hope your character/s don't mind a little company. Talk to you later. -Ian Where was he? Shinji stopped and looked around. He was surrounded by trees that reached high up into the sky, their large, leafy branches letting but a few scant rays of sunlight to filter softly to the grassy floor. Shinji frowned. All he knew was that he was walking east, the sun, whenever he could see it, being his only guide. What was it about moss? It grew on the North side of trees. Or was it the south? Argh! If only he had thought to bring a map! Not even a traders road. He must be at the edge of the world. Someplace so very far and desolate that no man thought to colonize it. Sheesh. If he had to have been abandoned, why wasn't he abandoned in a monastary close to other human life? He sighed and realized he didn't know for how long he had been travelling. Three days? Four? Oh well, what did it matter. He was still lost. Lost. And bored. Nothing had proven to be even the slightest bit interesting here. No deadly wild tigers pouncing from the shadows to tear him limb from limb. Not even the howl of a lone wolf. Great. Now how was he supposed to hone his skills? Maybe he could go and throw some big rocks around-- no, to do that you need big rocks, and there wheren't any around. At least he hadn't had much trouble finding food, although berries and nuts where hardly what he would call a full meal. A loud rumble from his stomach reminded him of lunch time. He was about to go into the underbrush to forage when a thought made him wince. "Oh no. Now I'm really in trouble. I'm beggining to miss gruel!" He shook his head to clear THAT memory from his mind. Monastary gruel, especially Brother Kenjin's, had to be the worlds most lethal weapon. He remembered a time when one of the students discarded his bowl in the trees. A Great Bear had found and eaten it. The next morning they all woke up to the death cries of the bear as it collapsed from the food. Ick. At least they had bear meat for dinner. Mmmm. Bear meat... Argh! Why did he torment himself! Sighing in resignation, he went off in search of sustenance. Night had fallen. Luckily, Shinji had found a clearing farther into the forest. The melodic trickle of water from a near-by stream carried across the cool breeze of the evening. He lay against a grassy knoll, staring up at the dark sky. Hundreds upon hundreds of stars shone brightly across that dark blanket. He could pick out the constellations of the Great Dragon and the Northern Eye. That collection of stars that seemed to stare beck at him from the heavens. Absentmindedly, his hand went to his forehead to feel the white silk cloth that was tied around as a bandana. Memories of his days spent sparring and talking with Orchid returned to his mind. Then he felt a pang of guilt enter his heart. Maybe he should have stayed, just a little longer. He treated her like a little sister, and he felt bad about leaving her all alone. Alone, just like he was now. No, not that alone. He was the most alone. Without his parents, she had been like his only family, someone he could talk to. The only one he could talk to. And now he was alone. He closed his eyes and drifted into a long and dreamless sleep. Suddenly he was wide awake. On the horizon, just past the tree line, a bright flash of light shone through, it's glare turning pre-dawn shadow into mid-day. He jumped to his feet and shielded his eyes. Then, as quickly as it came, the light was gone. He pondered this for a moment, but the soft crunching of grass behind him made him turn around. A wolf, a male to be sure, and big, was stealthfully coming up behind him. Seeing it's cover blown, it's yellow eyes glowed hellishly, then it lept towards him, knocking him to the ground. Shinji threw one arm into the wolf's throat, trying to keep it's jaws from his face. The wolk growled and snapped it's mouth, it's dark red tongue and sharp, ivory teeth inches from his face. It clawed into his shirt and body, scratching fiercely. Ribbons of crimson ran down his arm as the wolf clawed deeply into it. Fury and pain lanced through Shinji as he summoned all his strenght. With a growl of his own, he planted his feet into the wolf's belly and kicked hard. The wolf yelped in pain as it hurtled through the air, then rebounding off of a tree and bounding back at him. Shinji was on his feet and dropped into a battle stance. The wolf lunged at him, only to find empty air as the young warrior side-stepped and pulled his hand back for a wind-up. He let loose with his punch, hitting the snarling beast right behind the shoulder. The animal rolled on the ground and staggered to it's feet. With a final growl, it bounded back into the forest, deciding that this fight wasn't worth it. Shinji panted deeply and watched the wolf dissappear. satisfied it was gone, he turned to the stream and began cleaning his wound. The cut's were not as deep as he thought, and should heal within a few days. He ripped off part of his spare shirt and tied it around his arm. Wolves don't usually attack alone, unless this one happened to have been banished from his pack. He is alone, just like him. Lucky for him, he supposed. No way he could have taken on a whole hunting party. He retuned his gaze to where the light had been. What had that been all about? "Oh well," he thought to himself, standing up from his crouch and lifting up his bag. "About time something happened around here." With that, he began walking in the direction of the light.