[In-Box/Compose/Addresses/Folders/Options/LogOut] [Click our Sponsor's banner, with Easy Return to Hotmail.] Click here for more information. Read Message RELATED: Dictionary Thesaurus -------------------------------------------------------------- Subject: RPG Beyond the yellow brick road Date: Sun, 17 May 98 23:04:26 -0400 From: Skyechan Save Address Block Sender To: "Teri" , "Aaron \"Spiffy\"" , "Paul" , "Cindy" , , , , , , [Reply/ReplyAll/Forward] [Delete] [Prev/Next Message] [Close] [-] Uknown location *Splash* That was the sound of a really huge raindrop slapping against the head of a soaked through Cucumber Monk. "*achoo!* " That was the sound of said Cumonk becoming ill due to her recent soaking. The tree she was hiding under was afording very little by way of protection from the elements. For one thing the rain was falling in large heavy drops-and for another the wind was blowing the water horizontal. Just as suddenly as it started though, it stopped. Five minutes later she was wringing out her hair and checking her speed Racer shirt for damages. Her hat was totally toasted, and she was thankful that she followed the collector's rule of thumb and kept another article for display only. So she lost the good shape of the hat she wore but not the one she kept away at home. Cold comfort if she couldn't figure out where she was. There was a brief moment of panic when she considered how she could have totally blanked out. Three thoughts had hit her-the Rapture, her hypoglycemia had kicked in, or she was dreaming. So far the third one seemed most probable. So she pinched herself....and nothing happened. She heard an unearthly horrid scream off to her right and jumped, clapping her hands over her mouth and crying out into her palms. Then again the high pitched scream. It didn't sound closer but it did sound more desperate. Knowing she was going to regret this-Stana decided to investigate. First though she removed her hidden boot knife from its sheath. The blade gleamed wickedly in the glinting light, and she was glad she had sharpened it. Not that she was sure she could actually use it against anyone if she had to...but it gave her right hand something to do. Taking a deep breath she stepped into the woods and watched as darkness slammed down around her. Woodstock she stuffed into her backpack for safekeeping (having found that near the tree where she tried to take shelter) Inside she had found her carrots, celery, as well as her juggling Koosh's and pen and paper. Also her all inclusive Herb book and sunglasses. Her contacts were in there as well, as were her spare glasses. No money although there was nothing new there. A spare pair of clothes was a welcome sight-she'd have to find a public restroom to change in though. The woods were eery and cold. Stana felt her teeth chattering and clamped her jaw shut. there was no sign of whatever had made that noise. She was just about to back out of the wood when there was a massive rustling to her left followed by a gleam like lightning and a wild cry like fury itself.a large hurtling body coming towards her! There was a a large hurtling body coming towards her! The girl stumbled back-knowing she couldn't go anywhere, as the Unicorn's horn swung to a bead on her chest. [Reply/ReplyAll/Forward] [Delete] [Prev/Next Message] [Close] [-] [Move To] [Click our Sponsor's banner, with Easy Return to Hotmail.] Click here for more information. [In-Box/Compose/Addresses/Folders/Options/LogOut] ---------------------------------------------------------------- © 1996-1998 Hotmail. All Rights Reserved. [Contact Us|Help]